Thursday, July 3, 2008

Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Back in my Sunday School days in Penang and through the various Scripture Union camps that I attended, my teachers have often pointed out the "gap" in creation. That was between verse 1 and verse 2 of Genesis. Bible scholars believe quite possibly that there could have been a large gap in duration between "the beginning" and the time when "darkness was upon the face of the deep".

I've never seen any scientific proof of this until last night. I was fiddling around with the hotel TV remote control when I stumbled on another episode of "Mysteries of the Universe" on the Vision Four channel. This picture is what they think the moon might have looked like during the Dark Age. That colour is due to the mysterious dark force that was collapsing the universe. (Something like that lar)

Scientists today believe that they have found a mysterious phenomena whereby the expansion of the universe decelerated at a point in time causing what looked like the start of the collapse of space. The universe became darker and darker. This is known today as the Dark Age of the Universe. And then all of a sudden, a "clash" occured between gravity and the cosmos...

This clash caused a sudden ripple domino effect which caused the stars to form and pull towards high gravity points. Stars which were too dense when together formed masses of giant gravity called blackholes. Eventually galaxies were formed. (Galaxies are a cluster of stars)

(Blackholes are densed gravity objects in space, so every galaxy has one... or rather you need a blackhole to group the stars)... We live on the Milky Way galaxy and our nearest star is the Sun. Yet scientifically, it couldn't be explained because according to physics, galaxies had to form before blackholes could... A chicken and egg story... I won't go into that, because I myself can't understand it.

I did an internet search today on the Dark Age of the Universe.

You can read it for yourself at the following URL:

I put some excerpts of the article here:

Shining Light on the Dark Age
Loeb is most interested in exploring what he refers to as "the dark age of the universe," the 1-2 billion years between the faded glow of creation and the lighting of stars. After its creation 10-15 billion years ago in the mother of all explosions, called the Big Bang, the universe was a homogenous sea of cooling gas. Slight fluctuations in gravity rippled this smoothness, however, and gravity's force pulled the ripples into waves of matter that condensed into the first objects with separate identities.

"Each of these first structures had a mass of 1,000 to 100,000 suns, very small on the scale of the universe," Loeb believes. "They then clustered together to form galaxies that we see today. That probably occurred when the universe was 10 percent of its present age, or 1-2 billion years old."

For example, quasars are the farthest points of detectable light. Their incredible brightness, equal to 100 galaxies like our Milky Way, makes them visible. According to most theorists, the stupendous energy of a quasar comes from a black hole located at the center of a distant galaxy. The hole, the most powerful gravitational attractor known, is sucking gas into its maw the way a sink drain pulls in water. The renting apart, rapid spinning, then "swallowing" of gases releases visible light, X-rays, and other radiation that astronomers see shining from quasars.

Another article is found at the following URL:

Here is the excerpt...
Inflation and Dark Matter

To absorb CMB photons, the hydrogen temperature (specifically its excitation temperature) must be lower than the temperature of the CMB radiation - conditions that existed only when the universe was between 20 and 100 million years old. Coincidentally, this is also well before the formation of any stars or galaxies, opening a unique window into the so-called "dark ages."

You can say that the Dark Age of the Universe is clearly recorded in the Bible in verse 2.
Furthermore, scientists believe that galaxies only came into existence after this Dark Age. Before the Dark Age the Universe was just had an equally spread out distribution of stars.

Genesis 1:3 now becomes truly powerful. Because after the Dark Age, God spoke and there was light! Following that was the timeless love story of how God created life only to redeem it by sending His only Son Jesus to pay for our sins on the painful cross.

Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
AMEN!!! How great is our God!

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