Wednesday, July 2, 2008

what's happening last friday?

Last Friday all TnT CGs were cancelled in view of the Mission Convention.

This year it is our pleasure to have Pastor Mark Geppert with us and i believe all of us who attended the service were impacted by his sharing. Indeed there is no other name but the name of Jesus. In His name, we can cast out the spirit of fears in us, we can defeat the goliaths in our lives, no matter it is the financial problem, relationship issue, career difficulty, problem in health that you are facing right now etc etc, Jesus' perfect love will cast out all these fears! Remember, "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world"! ~ 1 John 4:4

After the powerful messages, we held a surprise and yet not so surprise birthday celebrations for J'ffrey, Choonsiang, Seowching & Chi En. Wow the cake is Hup2's all times favourite - durian cake! And i think he has eaten many of them, haha... okies, lets see what's happening during the cake cutting session...

Cake Cutting Session...
from left: Chi En, Choonsiang & Jeff (too bad seowching couldn't make it)

These 3 men... what are they trying to do? blowing each own candle... -_-

Each birthday celebration, we make sure the blessings are thick thick (gao3 gao3)... boonfei (at the back of choonsiang) was praying for 3 brothers and may God's favors to be upon them all the days of their lives!

can see that Jeff is very pleased with his birthday present in a bag! yea, it's shopping time! woowee~ cannot tahan u lah jeff...

Other than prayers, we alwaz record down our blessings on the birthday cards. Thank God for Yan who contributes her time and effort in making each of the card... sister, you are very much appreciated :)

well well, as usual, we ended friday night with mamak... 6 tables this time...heh

I thank God for this bond of fellowship we have in Him so that we can grow as one body, encourage one another, be there for one another in life's ups and downs... Let's treasure this friendship!

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