Monday, July 21, 2008

records of FREE! Rally

End of 2007, TnT invited WAF (Working Adults Fellowship) to co-organize a billingual rally in the mid of 2008. The committee was formed and started their 1st meeting in Jan this year and started working on the programs as well as fasted and prayed for the event. It required a lot of co-ordinations to work together when two ministries were involved, however our God is gracious and He made everything went well!

Thank you very much for those have involved... the person in charge for refreshment, ushers, musicians, LCD, PA, worship leaders, drama team, pastors, counselors etc... and many of you who invited new friends, arranging chairs, cleaning up and most importantly, keeping this event in your prayer... thank you for your participation... You know that your labour is not in vain!

Before the Rally started, we gathered as one body and prayed for the event. We could feel the strong presence of God!

Indeed, how pleasant and blessed it is to stand in unity! And God just poured out His annointing unto us! It's excited for two ministries to work hand in hand and win souls for our God!

The FREE! Rally started with fooooooood..... filled everyone's stomach so that they could concentrate in the programs that lined up for the night!

our hospitable ushers were serving food for our new friends...

talking to our new friends, building friendships!

new friends were busy filling up their contact details :)

more and more new friends stepping in! young and old... we have more than 30 new friends turned up!

after food, it was time of fellowship and fun! Well, our new friends were very happy with our Animal Game and the Watermelon Game, they truly enjoyed themselves!

After the games session, we moved to Canaan Hall. Boonfei and Cammy led 2 welcome songs and told the audience that Jesus loves you and me!

Everyone was concentrating on the testimony by BIlly Wang. Indeed how God transformed his life was amazing and touched the hearts of the audience.

After the video, was the turn of our drama team. With the background music of "At the cross", the drama team had shown the audience how much God loves us and He is willing to bear all our burdens and how much He desires to set us free from all the bondages in life...

(note: drama pics were taken during rehearsal... coz our photographer was attentive to the drama on the exact day and he forgot to take any pics! haha...)

without taking any break, Pastor James and Pastor Gideon went on stage to share how God transformed the lives of the people around them.

Everyone was attentive to what pastors were sharing...

Here come the quiet and serious moment... when pastors gave out invitation for the non-believer friends to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord...

Yes! We want Jesus! New friends responded to the invitation!...

Joyful moment when we saw more than 15 new friends came forward to acknowledge their decisions to accept Jesus. (13 accepted Christ and the rest re-dedicated their lives)

Yes! A decision you will never regret! Angels in heaven are rejoicing for you!

Truly it was a wonderful night... Spiritual atmosphere was very strong and God's presence was definitely throughout the whole event! With powerful testimony video, message sharing, touching drama... the love of God touched many lives and gospels seeds were sown into many lives! Praise God for this event!
We wanted to thank our drama team for their hardwork... many late nights practices just for a 7 minutes skit on the stage... you guys are wonderful! Especially our backscene co-ordinator Siong and Yean... You guys are very much appreciated. :)

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